TO: TSA Members, associates, sponsors, website supporters, and everyone who loves the game of table shuffleboard...
FROM: Dan Hitt, TSA President
DATE: March 3, 2007
To briefly summarize the announcement, The TSA Board of Directors voted to begin a newsletter for TSA members and sponsors. We believe this newsletter is a first step toward bringing the Shuffleboard community back together on a national level.
The TSA is the only National Organization in the U.S. dedicated to the growth of Table Shuffleboard and Honoring the " Greats " of the game. Our immediate goal is to increase membership in the TSA. This furthers the TSA's ability to cultivate the long term goals of the association. For example, forming a National league ending in a National Championship, or establishing a governing body that oversees rules of play, and maintains the integrity of the game.
How do you help? Join the TSA and receive the Quarterly newsletter. It provides you information on upcoming events, Results of tournaments, league info, and the latest updates on the growth of the Association. The TSA membership fees are due at the beginning of each year. Are you currently a member? Have you paid your dues? Do you want to join? Do you love the game of shuffleboard? Download the Mail-In form from the TSA website homepage or make copies of the mail-in form. Pass it out at your establishments, tournaments and leagues. Call or contact potential members, establishments, tournament directors and sponsors, etc. Recruit committed people to contribute to the cause.
Thanks, Dan Hitt, President - Table Shuffleboard Association, Inc.
To View or Print the TSA Member & Sponsor MAIL-IN Form (Click Here)