"B" House's Valentine's 2005
& Texas Make A-Showing ... and fare quite well in the winnings!"
at: Bavarian "B" House, Titusville, Florida ---
February 18-20, 2005
Results & Photos Submitted for posting on Bowers' Corner & TSA Websites By:
Marty Allen, Mims, Florida |
the below winners' report & photos from Marty Allen on March 9th for
posting on the TSA & Bowers' Corner websites "Tournament
Results" section. Check out the web Photo Album to view
winner's photos (just click on web
Photo Albums
below to
view winner's pictures) .
"B" House Valentine's 2005 Tournament (Feb. 18-20): The
"Valentine's 2005 Tournament" was hosted at the Bavarian
"B" House in Titusville, Florida on February 18-20,
2005. Distinguished out-of-state guests included Dave Boaz
(Muncie, Indiana) and Bobby Wright of Dallas, Texas. Dave is
currently spending his winter months in Florida and Bobby Wright has
temporary residence in Florida with his job.
18th (Friday): Draw Partner event: (no photos)
This Valentine's 2005
weekend tournament kicked off with
our Friday night draw and was won by Dick Smedberg (Spring Hill)
and Ursula Badouin (Mims). Dick and Ursula both made some
great rail shots to beat out Barrie McClean and Marty Allen. |
19th (Saturday): A-B Draw event:
Here To View Winner's Photo Album for all events)
Saturday "A-B Draw" had more "A" players
than normal for this event and as a results there were some hard
fought games going down to the wire and with the very strong
team of Dave Boaz of Muncie, Indiana and Rusty Nowakowski of
Mims, Florida coming in first place and Mark Arrowood of Port
St. John Florida and Harold "Moose" Whitt of Mims,
Florida taking second place. In the third and final money
slot were Bobby Wright of Dallas, Texas and Ursula Badouin, our
hostess from Mims, Florida. There were some great games
with these exceptionally strong teams competing.
1st Place:
Dave Boaz (Muncie, Indiana) & Rusty Nowakowski (Mims
- our host)) |
Place: Harold "Moose" Whitt (Mims)
& Mark Arrowood (Port St. John) |
Place: Bobby Wright [from Dallas, Texas
& son of legacy player "Earl Kelly" (now
deceased)] & Ursula Badouin (our greatHostess from
Mims) |
20th (Sunday): Bring Partner event:
Here To View Winner's Photo Album for all events)
The Sunday
"Bring Partner" event was maybe predictable with Bobby
Wright of Dallas, Texas and Dave Boaz of Muncie, Indiana winning
first place. Both are rated "0's" and both are
very experienced and skilled tournament players, but actually
they got behind in two of their games, but oh so steady on the
home stretch! Coming in second place were the first time
tournament partners: Barrie McClean (Titusville) and Mark
Arrowood (Port St. John) and they will certainly be a team to
watch out for in the future! In third place were Larry
Cooper and Rusty Nowakowski (a Mims Team). These two are
usually so busy running and working these tournaments, they
often don't get to play, so it was great seeing them do so well.
1st Place:
Dave Boaz (Muncie, Indiana) & Bobby Wright (Dallas,
Texas)) |
Place: Barrie McClean (Titusville) & Mark
Arrowood (Port St. John) |
Place: Rusty Nowakowski & Larry Cooper
(Mims Team) |
look forward to seeing all our old friends and new friends, local and
out-of-state guests, for our annual March "madness" events,
being the "Cape Kennedy Blast Off" (March 17-20) and
"Florida Open 2005" (March 24-27), both being held at the
Moose Lodge #1962 in Mims, Florida. Hope to see many of you
there! To
View the Flyer For Event Format & Entry For these two upcoming
tournaments (Click Here)
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this page (Click Here)]
by: Marty
Allen (Mims, Florida)
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