26-30th, 2005 (Wynnewood, OK): The 7th Annual
Washita Handicap Memorial Day weekend tournament was held at the
Full House, 111 W. Robert S. Kerr Street, Wynnewood,
Oklahoma. Many thanks to all that participated this
year. This year was the largest one yet. Everything
went great and we all had lots of fun. All events were
single game/double elimination (neg. 4 max. handicap
spot). Winners of this years' events follow:
Partner (Event 2 - 35 Teams/70 Participants): 1st: Bobby Williams & Robert L. Hoffman
(TX Team) 2nd: Ron Sosovec (CO) & Jim French (OK) 3rd: Harvey Walden (TN) & Mark Gray
(MO) 4th: Kenny Brewer & John Williamson (OK
Team) 5th/6th: Carolyn Jones & Jerry Widdoes
(OK Team) 5th/6th: Brenda Williams & Shirley
Geriets (OK Team)
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